Friday, April 17, 2009


I have been left exhausted by two women!

Jane from Eindhoven in Holland and Lia from Sandhausen in Germany. We have all met a few times before and originally because of the Socknitters list.

A very bad influence on me. Who knew this small town could have us shopping for 5 hours?

Last night we ate at the Plate and Porter. Very good food.

In between shopping and eating, we chatted and knitted and petted the dogs who were delighted as always to receive guests. How about this? Seven of them ranging in age from 15 weeks to 11.5 yrs, including to mature stud dogs, and there was not a grumble or snap to be heard whilst they competed for who would get petted. As You can see, Micah and Luque parked themselves on Jane and they are the two studs . Not a growl from either them.

We will all meet up again, I hope for Xmas in Sandhausen.

(For those you concerned that I am being hurt or am upset by Anon-I am not! This type of attitude stopped hurting long ago. I am baffled by it and I find the lack of self awareness astonishing. I still have enough faith in humans to believe that one day such people will think more positively about those who seem to be different.)

Lia with Whitney.
Jane with Micah (left) and Luque.


Nan said...

great photos, Colin. I'm glad you all had a good time.

I didn't think that person could have seriously hurt you, considering the source. But it sure did get my dander up. If Iris hadn't put it so eloquently, I probably would have gone on and on. The sad fact of the matter is that, on a variety of topics, some folks cannot consider that their opinion is incorrect or openly listen to anything that differs from it.

I had a troll on my blog recently who did a personal attack on me. At first I was shocked and seriously taken aback. But, unfortunately, that's the risk of putting ourselves out there. Better that than letting them silence us.

anachronist said...

I am so glad the visit was nice even though exhausting :-)

HAving people over seems to do this on everyone.

I noticed the throw on one of the piccies we got when you were visiting Heidelberg for the christmasmarket befoer I had all the head stuff going on, :-) This neuron seems to have escaped the surgeon.

It is raining here and I so wished to have sunshine today. Seems not every wis is granted.
Now to see for what this will be good. At least the plants and trees are happy about being watered.

Anonymous said...

We had a wonderful time with you too! Perhaps it would be even more controversial if we announced on your blog that you had worn out two women!

The dogs are all so charming and friendly--Jane and I couldn't stop talking about them.

It was a lovely trip and we thank you very much!

I had to publish this as anonymous because it's Gordon's google id and I didn't want you to think the Prime Minister was checking out your blog.

Gleanne Marie said...

Hi, Colin! I LOVE your pictures - even if you weren't in love with Vienna, I appreciate that you brought it to us! :) I LOL'd about your John's inconsequential attitude towards your lovely book... my Tom must be realated to him! Silly boys! Have a wonderful day!