We are home.
More stuff was taken than we thought, which is not really surprising. A Minolta camera 35 mm, no lenses! A 30gb Ipod. Thankfully I had taken the 160 gb Ipod with us. The Ipod docking thing.
On the good side we were incredibly lucky. We managed to get the exact same tv model, now not made, the exact pc screen (okay the surround is white rather than my preferred black although having said that, this one doe snot have a reflective edge cos of the white).
It made us laugh to realise they had also stolen the Dyson full of dog hair! We got a better version which had a third off the price!
Have to deal with insurance etc on Monday. Have to speak with Police again to inform them of what else we foudn missing.
John's drawers were gone thru, not mine, yet mine are closer to the door.
We also got a bill from a company who were called out by the Police but then cancelled within a very short time and they expect us to pay £180! What planet do they live on?
It is clear that the thieves left through the front, round the side, through our passageway as they cleared it of our junk in order for them to get out. Thus their vehicle must have been parked outside. The whole thing seems very suspicious. If they were heard by neighbour, as we have been told, and she called the police, why did our neighbour, or anyone else, not see them leaving with all our stuff? Mmmmmm.....
The dogs are delighted to be home and us to have them home. Whitney did not eat well whilst away and has lost weight which she will gain back now she is back with her man. Margaret will be returning James, Carly and Little Dorrit to us tomorrow.
One of our friends, Marilyn did a really nice thing. There was a welcome home card waiting for us when we returned today.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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The above was taken a week ago - it represents the f...
4 years ago
And the pups -- Did they remember you?
Welcome home!
Your holiday sounded wonderful and I enjoyed reading your posts.
Glad you are home safe. I sincerely hope the thieves are tracked down. Hug the puppies for me.
I am quite relieved! I was worrying about your homecoming, and am happy that all is well - relatively, and that the doggies are all okay.
Well, I'm sorry things were worse than you thought, and happy they are better than they could have been. Hope all works well the insurance company and life returns to "normal" soon.
Welcome back!
They stole your vacuum cleaner?!
I am so glad you madeithome safe and soon normality will settle in again.
I really enjoyed the Heidelberg trip with you all,but think all the walking was too much on my little battered brain, now my foot acts up and strength is nowhere near the new "normal" and even the facial parts kind of droop. I hope it is only fatigue and will go away again.
Next time we will have to pace ourselves better :-)
Glad you both got home safe and sound. Hopefully, nothing irreplaceable has been stolen. It doesn't help much, but the thieves really racked up a load of negative karma there.
I am glad you are home, and I bet the pups are too! :-)
Glad to hear you're finally home and in one piece. Was interesting to know what these crooks thought were valuable. Must not have been pros, or they would have found your yarn stash!
So glad you are back home safely! I agree with you - there's something fishy about this. I don't think your neighbor necessarily had anything to do with it - it's possible she heard something and called the police, but unlikely she'd go out and confront them?? I don't know all the facts, but do you have any acquaintances who have acquaintances with drug issues? Sounds like they were looking for something they could fence for money quickly. But, they don't sound like they had a lot of experience doing this??? Does that make sense to you? I bet they're caught. Hey, next time you go away, let it be known that you will have a house sitter!
Lot of work for a vacuum cleaner full of dog hair - although you have to admit, it IS a Dyson!
OK, sorry, just trying to cheer you up!
Take care and glad you both are safe,
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