At some point in the morning, when I went of to the toilet, someone removed a support rod form my chair. It cannot fall out, it is 16" long and has to be pulled out. Fortunately for me, I use the dog show trolley for support as I sit, so I felt the seat give way as soon as my bum touched the seat and I did not fall injure myself. I and others tried to think of all sorts of ways this could have happened by accident and we couldn't come up with a plausible explanation other than sabotage. I'd like to think that whoever did it, did not really think it thru as this could have seriously injured my spine further. I would hate to have the feelings that caused this person to act as they did. As a result, I went to the supermarket later to buy salad and I found a suitable chair for just £6 and it takes up less room and you'd need hacksaw and too much time to nobble it!
I have come to realise that even 'friends' can be bitten by the green eyed monster. Sad but it is their loss. I make a good friend and they are hard to find.
The whole trip went much better than I expected. I plan to do the Scottish shows next year, as long as they judges are suitable. Given that by body allows it. It did this time. I was sensible though and I did drug up well and I also took the morphine with me. I used it but only 5mg each time (once per day with my other drugs.) One thing I have realised is the drugs only stop my body complaining too loudly at the time! It doesn't stop the after effects of what I do. By that I mean, the drugs may enable me to do things I wouldn't normally be able to do, but I still pay the piper when the drugs wear off and I get just as exhausted and sore. Oh, I slept well too! After the first night. I can't say my gut liked it very much. After much discomfort and effort, I eventually produced a cocktail sausage on Sunday.
I found a Toby's Carvery to eat at on Sunday night. Great food, just right for me. I had roast pork and loads of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and cabbage. This pleased me but only made my gut complain. However, by Monday morning the earth moved and I felt much better!