I don't know what else to say really. My GP offered me morphine for the night pain. I really am not sleeping well due to it. I have discovered that sleep really is very important and to go without good sleep makes me much worse and crabby to boot.
I declined the offer. I am worried about the affect it may have other than the pain killing properties. Apart from that, I am just not ready for the next stage yet. I can deal with this with help though I am not ready for morphine help.
So I agreed to try a long acting Tramadol instead. I know this drug is good for me. I don't have side effects from it and it works. So tonight I will take a 100 mg dose of the long acting one which hopefully will last thru the night and also mean I will not have to take anything when I wake up other than the pills for my gut, heart and blood.
I just hope it works. I also discovered that the main reason for avoiding new hips now is because they only have to do them again after 10 years so they prefer to wait until I am in my 60's. Assuming I need them. Besides, I'd really rather not have anything like that done. At all. Ever.
Despite what posts like this suggest, I am not an aged cripple to look at but more like a Hollywood heartthrob who can't be bothered to walk unaided as I am so spoiled by fame and riches. Those who have seen me, know this is so. Those who haven't, think George Clooney sitting down......
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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The above was taken a week ago - it represents the f...
5 years ago
Thank you for the update, George. So, will you be playing a doctor, a prisoner, a business man, a gigolo this week? What will it be, sir.
I do hope the Tramadol works! I know what it's like not to sleep.
I KNEW you reminded me of SOMEONE! Of course! Though you are a more snappy dresser than Clooney, I think.
I hope the new medication works. Sleep is so important.
I used Tramacet (short acting Tramadol/acetiminophen) for a few years. Now I've been using long acting Tramadol since it became available in Canada. On its own, I didn't find it worked; it needs acetaminophen to jump-start it for some reason. So I take long acting Tylenol with it and it works pretty well. Here in Canada, the brand is Tylenol Arthritis Pain which can be taken every 8 hours.
I discussed morphine and other narcotics with my dr. when my pain was really bad but we decided that I was too young to go that route because of the risk of dependency.
I hope the Tramadol works for you. Going on morphine is a big step, but you have to be able to sleep. My brother takes morphine sometimes to help him. He has a tumor that sits on his hypothalamus, and it mucks up his ability to sleep well.
George Clooney...good Lord, Colin, you're selling yourself short! George doesn't have HALF your panache, humour, sense of style...
I hope the Tramadol helps.
What kind of dye did you use for your trousers? I wear overalls at work and was thinking of buying some white or tan ones to dye for summer. I have been losing weight (much needed!) and think I'd like to wear more color again, rather than hiding behind Black all the time. :-)
George Clooney sitting down! Absolutely!
I hope the Tramadol works for you. My experience with Morphine has not been good, although I understand it works well for some people. Good luck!
I'm with mad angel, you need someone classier than George Clooney.
I sincerely hope the new medicine gives you some relief. Not sleeping is beyond awful.
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