Could you imagine spending eternity with Swift and his ilk? I must be mistaken because I thought Jesus was a man of love and compassion yet followers such as Swift clearly think differently.
Of course he and the men who flew into the WTC are cut from the same cloth. May they enjoy eachother's company on the other side.
Fortunately for them, they will ALWAYS be able to change their minds and turn to the light but will suffer the consequences until such times as they do.
The Great Spirit does not punish them, they will punish themselves. So they think, so they will be. The Great Spirit never turns away and never bars the way. The light will always be there. It's up to you .
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4 years ago
Great post! So very true!
Have you ever heard the joke about the man who has died and is getting a tour of heaven after he arrives. He is shown all the beautiful and marvelous things. Then he and his guide come up to a big wall. He's curious why this one area is so uniquely closed off from the rest of the place. He asks his guide what is behind the wall.
His guide tells him, "Oh, those are the (fill in your favorite extreme or exclusive religious group here). They think they are the only ones here."
True, Colin, true. If this is what heaven is about, then it's just as painful as burning. What drivel.
Nan, that's a great story!
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