Do we really think that the Creator of The Universe and all that is in it needs to be praised?
Does he or she have such low self esteem that s/he needs us to tell him/her how wonderful they are all day long?
Or is it that we have made God in our image?
Human Beings, a despot dictator for example, needs to be praised and obeyed and worshipped. It is the needs of a weak ego that requires thesethings. I doubt very much that the Creator of all needs it!
Perhaps it is our egos that need appeasing? Perhaps we have created a a God that we need to please, fear, placate, obey, worship, praise because these are the things our own ego would like.
Whatever it is, I don't think that the Supreme Being wants us on our knees telling him/her how great they are all day long.
I think maybe that the way to truly 'worhip and praise' is by living good lives and treating others as we would want to be treated - with respect and doing no harm.
To me that is the way to worship and praise.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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4 years ago
Hey, you could be a Unitarian Universalist with talk like that (that's where I go be spiritual, even if I am really an agnostic: www.uua.org )
Colin - I see your point and have often thought the same. However, it's been my experience (and in this area of life, everyone's mileage varies) that it's just when I feel the most gratitude for the good things God (and I picture Her as a Big Black Lesbian, BTW) has done in my life or the lives of others, that I feel the need to praise and worship and do all that mumbo jumbo that just seems to satisfy a need in myself. I don't think it's a need in God so much, although GodasBBL sure likes to boogie along side of us:)
hey- I am with you on this!!
That's my way as well! What good can you do down on your knees?
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