In the 6 days I took the Naproxen, I gained 8 lbs. In the two days since I stopped, I lost 8lbs. It really does seem that anti-inflammatories are not for me.
I have used up all of my spoons today. Damn. I didn't get up at 5am to go swimming and I slept till 8am. I told myself I would go to the afternoon session. I also wanted to go the talk and demonstration at the church tonight. I did wonder if I ought to do both and maybe swimming could be off the menu today. I decided to go swimming. I managed half of my usual laps and it is clear I will not be going out again today. Maybe it is the heat, I feel so weak.
On the way to the pool I saw a young man walking on the side of the road, his shirt off. He had a defined torso, flat stomach and I was immediately transported back in time to the dark days of my life.
Prior to puberty, I had male friends. I knew though that I was not acceptable to my parents, especially my father. By the time of puberty, I knew this for sure and I was suddenly not acceptable to my male peers either. Quite simply, I did not fit the required standard for a boy. I was soft, gentle, sensitive, attributes I was to be ashamed of for the rest of my life until I saw the world differently.
I equated boys who were built like this as 'real boys', and men built like this as 'real men'. My anorexia / bulimia and exercising was all about trying to look like that, thinking that if I did, I would be acceptable. It never did happen. I never looked like that. I have come to realise that only person whose acceptance I need is my own and today I have that.
You know, our expectations of ourselves and of others can really ruin lives. I resent the fact that my first 49 years of life were miserable, that I was robbed of any chance of joy and happiness because of the expectations of others, which by it being the only teaching I had, the expectations of myself. That my life was dominated by shame and fear and the teaching that I was unacceptable to my family and to god.
I know different today and I know what joy and happiness and peace are. Now that I do know these things, I know exactly what I was robbed of and it makes me angry and sad. I don't let it dominate me and I don't dwell on it but I'd be lying if I said those 49 years of darkness were not a source of deep regret for me. I am aware I cannot change it, cannot go back in time. This just makes my loss more profound.
However, I am fortunate in that I am aware of my good fortune. Others don't escape the darkness. I did. I enjoy today. It is all I have. Today. I am glad of that.
I was thinking the other day how homophobia is far more insidious than most of us think. Homophobia is the reason I was never treat for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, why I was never seen as an abuse survivor, why my self harming and eating disorder, the paranoia, the agoraphobia, were not seen as the result of abuse. No. My homosexuality was seen as the problem. Either in itself or my lack of acceptance of it. No one ever asked me if I saw my homosexuality as the problem! If they had, I could have told them I didn't think about it, I just was, and I didn't understand why others found it a big deal and they didn't seem to think that being beaten, and bullied and molested all my life was anything to be concerned about.
I wish I could say that others in my position would be treated differently today. I know that it is isn't so. The evils of fundamentalism abound still. Insidious bigotry still pervades society.
The difference for me today is I see the falsehood of such bigotry and no longer suffer under it's weight. I wish I could say the same for the rest of the world. Both the bigots and the victims of it. Both pay the consequences. No matter if people justify it by their religious beliefs, they still reap what they so. It does make me sick when people are so cowardly that they hide behind their 'religion' when they say their religion causes them to be bigoted. Shame, shame, shame upon them.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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4 years ago
I know about looking back with regret. For me it was for most of the first 40 years of my life. But as cr*ppy as much of it was, I know that it contributed to who I am today. And I'm quite something, (if I do say so myself) even if it did take me quite awhile to recognize that fact.
I suspect that it is the same with you.
I am glad that you have moved beyond those dark years. It is tragic that some people are still ostracized for being themselves. And you are correct that religion plays a significant role in keeping the status quo.
But attitudes do change. Maybe only one person at a time, but they really do. I was raised by very conservative parents. When I learned that my older sister was a lesbian, I was horrified (I was eighteen). But after a few hours, I realized that she was still the same person I adored after I found out as she was beforehand. I went into her room and told her I didn't care and I still loved her and wasn't bothered that she was a lesbian because it was part of what made her who she was. And it was completely true.
That experience changed forever how I saw other people. It made me aware that sexuality is only a part of who we are as people, and that we don't get to choose anyway, so it would be utterly unfair to discriminate against people on that basis. It is (in my opinion, and I hope science will someday back me up), no different from having blue eyes instead of brown, or being tall instead of short--and frankly, about as important in the grander scheme of human experience.
I have friends who are strict Catholics. We were talking about homosexuality one day, and after some discussion, they agreed that it was probably not a choice, but simply the way people are born. At which point, I asked them, "Well, you think God makes mistakes?" The silence was deafening. I don't know if that conversation changed their minds, but at least it got them thinking.
I remain hopeful that someday we will look back on these times and shake our heads in disbelief that gays were ever treated differently or made to feel inferior or somehow "bad" just for being human.
Colin,If I could put my arms around you and hold you and make the pain go away ,I surely would.God loves you and cares so very much about you. God is love and any religious person who displays any thing but love to you ,is not from your Heavenly father. I am old and know I have Christ in me,I know that I love you ,You are a man after Gods own heart,You have suffered to much ,you need to know how real Christians feel toward you and your family.You are a kind man,with a stewardship of your beautiful animals,look in their eyes and see the love of God in manifestation in your life. Let go of the evil of bigots and put in out of your precious life. You are on this earth for a reason. Do you realize how many lives you touch everyday?Do you realize how many people read your words and love you.You have been in my prayers all the time . for you and John to be blessed and loved. I am always here if you ever just want to talk or pray.I have a free skype # and I am home bound and never get out,my ministry is to love and take care of my animals God gave me. We are both special in that way. It is early 3.51 am and am here for you. Take good care of yourself,you are loved by many and especially Your Heavenly Father ,I have that straight from the horses mouth .(So to speak)Your friend in Tampa Florida,who cares for you.karrol ,
I agree with the posters above but would like to add, ...
Had your past been different you may not now have love in your life with John or success with Whitney & Co.
Would you even be in touch with any of us as you are now?
All that you are and all that you have achieved is part of lifes great jigsaw, and I think you have found the right pieces and have fit them together nicely. :-)
So, maybe, not so much "A Life Stolen" but 'A Life On Hold and now Reclaimed'
To your continued success :-)
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