We did our shopping last night. A delightful black girl child smiled at me and I said hello to her. Like many children, I assumed she was fascinated by my wheelchair. This child was no more than 6 yrs old.
I was horrified when she started to proselytise!!! She wanted to tell me all about the Real Lord and give me a dvd. However, she didn't have it on her so would come the next day and maybe I would be there?
I smiled and said thank you and she skipped off to her father and brother, also very young. I wanted to beat the father up. I wanted him in court right there and then charged with child abuse. i wanted his children removed to a place of safety. I wanted him to see the great harm he was doing his children by forcing this fundamentalist crap onto his children. i wanted him to understand that what he was doing was evil. Of course, I did nothing, said nothing, but expressed my anger to John.
Later, I had to wait for quite sometime to use the disabled toilet. The door opened and who should walk out, all able bodied 6ft plus of him? Yes, the fundamentalist father. He gave me a look of disdain and promptly let the door slam shut! I guess his love of the Lord doe not extend to everyone.
I have a dilemma or an issue or whatever the right word is about my drugs. I avoid taking them. Not the heart drugs, BP drugs, stomach drugs or cholesterol drugs, but my pain killers.
I worry about the effect they have or may have. I can't figure out if they only kill the pain or if they make me mentally feel better. It is the latter than worries me. Let me explain.
I took a dose today because I have the dogs to bathe and prepare for the show tomorrow. Now, I had been somewhat grumpy most of the morning, short tempered, grotty. As I often am. An hour or so after taking the pills I am not only feeling little pain but also in a good mood. I just don't feel grumpy and grotty any more.
Now is that because the pain has abated or because the drugs are changing my mood? John says it's because I am not in pain. He says I don't look or behave 'high'.
I worry about it. These drugs are not paracetamol but heavy duty Tramadol. The pack warns of dependence. I approached the chemist about it when I picked up my last sript for them and her response was that I ought not be concerned as I was l unlikely to stop taking them as my disease is progressive so what did it matter? Not a helpful answer really.
I am used to hurting. What I don't like and am not always aware of, is my grumpiness. I become aware when I over react to a petty annoyance. Then I feel bad and think I am losing it to have got so angry over a trivial thing. I feel so much better when I take the pills, not grumpy. Not hurting either. You see my concern? Am I not grumpy as a direct result of the drug or am I not grumpy as a side effect of not hurting?
Then of course, I take the pills only when the pain is bad. Trouble is when I have 24/7 pain and I do not find it easy to know when to take drugs and when not to. I have got used to it. So I am often unaware of how much pain I am in. Until it abates and then I think 'phew', thank goodness that's eased off.
I am sure this is a confusion for me because of my ability to disassociate. A trick I learned as a child when being abused. Not new. Many, if not all, children who are abused do it. To survive.
Trouble is, it is causing problems. I went undiagnosed for years because I mostly disassociated from it. Not just that of course but also not having faith in drs and my main experience had been with drs that assumed anything that I complained of was 'in my head' and stress related. My present dr is not like that at all. In fact it was she who had to broach the subject of me being ill with me as I never mentioned it to her. She had watched me, the way i moved, the way I held myself, the way I spoke(at times slurring as if drunk), the look of exhaustion, the paleness, the sometimes lack of balance and of my clumsiness. She noted it all and eventually when she realised I was not going to bring it up, she did. She knew I wasn't hiding it or trying too. She correctly surmised that I had either suppressed it or was afraid to mention it for fear of being sent to a shrink. Once she did, I was surprised but went along with her. I went for the xrays, to the neurologist, the rheumatologist, for the thalium scan etc etc. Much to my surprise I really had physical problems and worse than I thought. It wasn't nothing after all. And it wasn't stress or my 'nerves' or 'in my mind'.
So here I am, off on a tangent again, wondering about these pills. Am I feeling a good mood because I am not in so much pain or am I feeling good because the pills make me feel good?
I still argue with myself over how much pain I am in anyway and whether or not take drugs in the first place. A lot of the time, I get around fine. Certainly in my home. I can't walk far with out impinging pain. But even my easy appearing movement indoors is done despite the crunching pain I feel or the deep aches. I move despite it. Another benefit of my being able to act as if. It is also a drawback as it can give the wrong impression as to my situation. Mind you, there are those times when nothing I do can hide the fact of it from me or anyone else. At such times, I am well and truly buggered!!
edit: I have never taken more than 200 mg of Tramadol in one day and have yet to take it for more than a couple of days in any one week so I am sure I do not get withdrawal from it.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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5 years ago
Colin, the pharmacist is right. The pain itself causes other physical problems as well as making you feel bad. You need to take care of it, and not wait till it gets bad before taking something. Joanna (RN)
I was put on Tramadol and quickly became hooked. The side effects of withdrawal are not nice at all, I wonder whether the grumpiness is in fact a sign of "needing" a fix. In my case after a few months they stopped working which is when I stopped them and discovered how addictive they are. Take care.
I take painkillers too and hate having to take them. If I dont take them I am in pain and can't function some day and also cant sleep. So i suppose we are dependent on them but does it matter? If they are what helps us through the day does it matter if it improves our mood too? Like you about an hour after I have taken them I feel myself relax more and my mood lifts
If you were diabetic you would have to take insulin to survive and in a way dependent on it. I dont see the painkillers as different from that. I know pain is not life threatening as diabetes is but I need my painkillers to get through the day.
Pam x
Listen to people with CHRONIC pain our your doctor!! What I remember is when my doctor got "in my face" and told me that either I control the pain or the pain will control me. I have taken pain medications for over 3 years. I take them when the pain gets REALLY bad and not every day. If you take the medication as prescribed and only for pain, I don't think that you need to worry. Good luck to you. Chronic pain SUCKS!!
Listen to people with CHRONIC pain or your doctor!! What I remember is when my doctor got "in my face" and told me that either I control the pain, or the pain will control me. I have taken pain medications for over 3 years. I take them when the pain gets REALLY bad and not every day. If you take the medication as prescribed and only for pain, I don't think that you need to worry. Good luck to you. Chronic pain SUCKS!!
I attended a pain management seminar with a physician friend. There are many mechanisms to pain. When you are in pain, there is tension, which can increase the pain, sensitivity. Addiction can happen to anyone, however, people actually needing this level of pain management rarely (if ever) become addicted, you aren't taking it to deaden some other issue, you are taking it for pain.. take your medication, no one should be required to suffer.
Hi Colin, I've just got a TENS machine, and it is brilliant for my chronic pain. I have cut down a bit on the pain killers because it helps so much. The only time I take the pads off my lower back is when I bathe, so I can plug myself in quickly. The other 2 pads get moved around my body as needed. Also I have started using some excellent poultice type things, chinese medicine, I think, but I get them from the USA. I must admit I was very sceptical about them, but thought what the heck it can't hurt anymore. I hadn't been able to use my right hand because of finger and wrist pain. Bandaged a couple of those puppies on over night, I couldn't believe the difference.
Colin, as an experiment, have you read back through your blog postings to see if you can relate which days you were on the medication and which not? Does your mood come through in your writing? Is the effect sharp or subtle? Try this on days with and without the meds and see which combination (with/without reading in conjunction with with/without writing) pleases you most. If the effect is observable, it might give you something else to discuss with your MD.
There can be more than one use for a journal!
Colin, you seem to have great faith for your current doctor. Discuss the matter with her, as regards your concerns. If you are not taking pain pills on an every day basis, but only when you feel you really need them, you may actually be taking them a bit too infrequently, but she could best advise you and allay your fears. Hope you get the answers you need, so you can continue enjoying your lovely pups. Carey in MA
Colin, What is it with painkillers that people have trouble taking them? Why do we feel we need an excuse for taking them? I agree with Pam: if it were diabetes you would not hesitate at all like you take your heart and BP meds.Pain changes a person more than these painkillers do. Take them and don't feel quilty about it:it has nothing to do with stamina or personality....It is no undeserved indulgence to take painmeds and enduring pain does not make you a better person. Pain is a sign there is something wrong and you need to act on it. I think often this rigid and spartan way of denying oneself painmeds has something to do with abuse in early life. Like we still have something to prove.
Take your meds,Colin, enjoy the absence of pain and the freedom it provides!Wishing you well, Marcella
Hi Colin, I've had to take some type of pain meds for over 12 years to have any quality of life.For 4 years before that I fought to stay off them no matter what. Without them I was almost totally bed bound or had dropped out of the living world. That isn't something that I'd normally consider as to me all life is precious and I like to live and enjoy my life. Pain can consume all my good sense if I try to go without any pain meds. I have way too much to live for including my family,my friends,my fuzzy kids,my home,etc.
When my doctors first started giving me this classification of meds I too didn't take them unless the pain was a 20 on the scale from 1 for no pain up to 10 for worst possible pain. When I didn't take them on a regular basis the levels of higher pain were harder. Little by little I set aside my life because I thought I had no choice. I feared being a druggie. I got to the point that I was in bed at least 70% of the time trying to disassociate from the pain. For most purposes I lost my own name and pain became who I was.
Finally my doctor and two of his nurses cornered me after my loving DH went to talk to them about what was happening.He was worried about me. My Doctor explained that a true pain patient's body doesn't get high with the meds as a illegal user would. We get a relief from our pain. Our bodies are much better able to function.
and cope.The quality of our lives improves.
I took tramadol for several years without a problem. The last year of taking it I was on 400mg spread thru the day.When my body became tolerant to that I tapered off for a week without issues. Your doctor will work with you to help.
You deserve to have a quality of good life too.
Wezzie in Maine,USA
Talk with your doctor about your concerns! The doctor and you are in the best position to decide if the grumpy times are possibly due to the medication or lack of. Any given medication does different things to different people.
Best wishes to you for a quick answer to your questions.
PS Gorgeous puppies! Shameless appears to be a terrific mom.
Colin, love,
You are grumpy because you hurt. When you take the pain meds, you quit hurting, and quit being grumpy. Why can I see it in you and not in me? - I have to be where I'm crawling up the stairs on all fours before I'll take mine. It's not a sign of weakness to take them - I think partly it's because I feel if I take them at this level of pain, they may not work when I "really" need them. Plus father was in pain all the time (and grumpy), and he taught us to ignore pain and keep going.
I think about you a lot. Hang in there. E-hugs, aj
Colin I have had tramadol prescibed and found no help from it at all. i try not to take any pain meds. (but i dont suffer in silence...lol) love the puppy pics, they are so adorable, must be a lot of work, also your knitting is so beautiful, neat, just awesome, wish mine was a 10th as neat. i am so jealous [smile]
rwf in northern california USA
I have had to take tremadol many times even morphine once. Its a dilema becuase the painkillers reduces the pain but imn my experience made me feel spaced out. I didnt like that. Codine can be better at night becuase it helps with sleep and pain. I think the best way to manage pain medication is to mix the combination to suit the time. That helps me to cope.
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