Swimming: yesterday I could not do my usual 64 lengths. I only managed 50. I also have done little else. Although I am sleeping well, I seem to be experiencing a flare and am fatigued all the time. Still, it's the first bad flare for quite a while.
I am thinking that maybe I will take Sat and Sun off from the pool. Maybe a mile each morning 5 days a week is enough.
Hearing Dogs: two of my girls have been donated to the Hearing Dogs for Deaf People charity. Three of my previous dogs were also donated and they passed and now live with their deaf people, being their ears. So Luna and her daughter, Lia, went yesterday. Liam is going to his new home of Sunday and I am keeping Lui.
Socks: I have almost completed the two at once pair.
Cashmere: I have one sleeve left to knit and sew in. I have done everything else already. This sweater is for me. I remembered to knit a smaller size too! The last sweater I made for myself was way too big as I forgot I have lost all this weight.
Eating Disorder: I have been asked to be one of the speakers at the next conference/workshop in May. I think I probably shall.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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5 years ago
Oh how wonderful! It's one way to insure (as well as one can) they are in a loving home.
Hope you're feeling better soon!
I am so glad they all fouond a good place.
I bet my friend will be happy to hear what Lia is up to :-)
With the flare I send you healing thoughts and hope that you get into a batter state again and can pick up swimming again and enjoy it with no or little pain.
Chronic things are a PITA for sure.
I personally think you do very well with the swimming, so no beating yourself up over a few more lengths...when the time is right to do more, you will know, like you do now that it isn't right.
Love the idea that your dogs are gone for training as hearing dogs, little dogs do well at this my two are listeners as you know for my son. Your dogs will have excellent homes and really enjoy their time working. That said, it's always a wrench when these pups eventually leave home isn't it? Still you know they will do excellently and have a brilliant life. They won't know they are working, they will just be doing it naturally.
Glad you got the two socks sorted looks good in the pic so far.
Cashmere sweater sounds good too, hope to see pics soon????
Oh you must have a voice for this eating disorder meeting I'm sure you will do really very well as you know so much about it..
must fly times against me again...lol Cher x
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