Sunday, March 07, 2010


The only battle worth fighting is the battle to be who we are. From the moment of our birth, all conspire to mould us into their image.

Instead of this conspiracy resulting in peace for all, it results in the evil of anguish and suffering.The belief that we are born defective, in sin, evil, and must be controlled in order to make us good has  the effect of destroying our spirit and creating the very evil we are trying to avoid. It is no accident that we  have created God in our image.

The dis –belief in man is widespread. Certainly here in the West our religions are based on the belief that mankind is evil and it would seem this causes so much grief and pain and trouble in our lives.

If we were nurtured in such a way that allowed us to flourish and develop our uniqueness, this would go such a long way to making our world a better place. People who are content within themselves, who love themselves, who respect themselves, tend to love and respect others. They tend not to insist their ideas are the only right ones and and do not waste their time in trying to force their ideas on to others.

If we could but understand that those people we tend to write off as evil are in fact no different to us except that they are full of hate for themselves, which they were taught, and thus have nothing but hate to give others.

We, collectively, create people who do horrendous things. We do so by our judgement and ideas, our lack of love and by our failure to understand the damage we do to children. I think deep down we do know we have a collective responsibility which is why we demonise people so readily and condemn them.

I have often been asked why I do not hate those who harmed me so. It didn’t ever occur to me to do so. All I wanted was for them to stop and I didn’t see then, or now, how hating them would bring that about. Now that I more or less recovered from their effect upon me, I want nothing to do with them and certainly do not want them in my life. This self preservation, not hatred. I love them the same way I love all mankind and want only the best for them. However, they are still the same people, they haven’t changed, and are therefore still toxic to me, hence I  have no wish to entertain them!

I am aware that if they had loved and respected themselves, it is highly unlikely they would have hated me and abused me. My hatred of them would be akin to take part in the abuse of myself. It would serve no positive end, but only to increase and suffering.

I know that these people are deeply unhappy so what sense would it make to wish them anything but happiness?

Do I not want peace?


Julie said...

Hi, Colin,
You know, I am a Nichiren Buddhist. We are the ones who chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. In the Buddhist thought system, mankind is inherently a Buddha, and is in the process of uncovering and revealing his Buddha nature. I see you as a Buddha, one who has taken a lot if hits, especially as a child, and now carries a goodly number of scars, but as a Buddha. You are not evil, not sinful, not bad. My husband was raised to believe he was a "monster", his parents constantly told him this. It had nothing to do with him at all! They had some need to see him this way that was coming out. But he was and is a Buddha, as are you. When they asked Nichiren what the difference was between a Buddha and an unenlightened man, he said that the unenlightened man does not yet know that he is a Buddha.
Hope this helps.
Embracing you and John in my love,
Julie in San Diego

Nan said...

Such a healthy and loving position for you to take. And the best one for all concerned.

I know someone who spent almost 45 years hating a couple of people. When both of those people died, she then, immediately, had to find someone else to transfer that hate to. It was astonishing and she had no idea that she'd done it. Ironically, she denies hating anyone and has no notion of how she has hurt herself through the hate she has lived.

Yours is the better way.