I briefly spoke with a friend today and felt better for doing so but found myself unable to talk with any one else or go out.
It occurred to me that I could email John with all I wanted to say. I did. We spoke about an hour ago, even though I thought I wouldn't be able to speak to him again. He isn't making excuses and sounds wretched. You know, if this had been the first time, one could more easily understand it. Putting it to me like he had some sort of phobia re the govt and officialdom, made me able to understand it, because of my own past and problems. I really feel it was put that way on purpose, to manipulate my response. It worked too until I found out that once he got the first mess sorted he proceeded to make an even bigger one. All he ever had to do was sign a form and send it back. Once a year. End of story. He even stopped paying his first accountant who got him out of the first mess. I'll never understand this and I don't think there is an excuse for it.
The tax lawyer/accountant woman says he does not owe tax, only the penalties for not filing his returns, therefore the IR(S) cannot go ahead with the bankruptcy but she has to work quickly to get it stopped. Already the last 6yrs returns are in and receipt has been acknowledged. (by the way, we call it the Inland Revenue and I know the USA calls it the IRS hence my use of both.)
I have insisted that John shows me proof that I am his beneficiary if he snuffs it. He says he will get copies and show me. I will also insist that his tax lawyer/accountant knows that he is clean as can be before I agree to marry him. Also that my name goes on the deeds to his house if he doesn't lose it over this. There is no way I am marrying him unless I know he is clean financially. I am not going to risk being on the streets again. Okay, so now I am disabled that wouldn't' happen, they have to house me, but you know what I mean. That sort of existence is miserable. I know.
You would probably have a fit if you knew how much money he earns. And knew how little we have to show for it. Don't forget, I took over the finances a few years back when I realised the debt he was in. I insisted or I'd stay put. He capitulated and I nearly died when I discovered what his salary was. Where the f*ck did all that money go? On what? and HOW are you in so much debt? Half the debt is cleared and we have still had holidays. The other half would have been cleared last month but thankfully I found out about this tax thing so have kept that sum in a savings account he can't access even though it it's in his name. He wouldn't know how. Trouble is, I think holidays are out now and the stuff we were going to do with the house upon his pension maturing is also out the window. Assuming there is a house anyway.
One thing we do need is a new car, one with a flat rear space entrance so that the chair can be put in and out via a ramp instead of the current way-we lift it. We are not going to be capable of doing that indefinitely. Apart from that, a car is a necessity. I can't get around without one and he doesn't drive.
I want to thank you all for your kind support. I can only imagine where I'd be without this electronic global village to offer me wisdom and comfort in my times of need. Who ever would even have dreamt of such a thing? Okay I know someone dreamt it for the transfer of information but this is used for far more than that. Certainly now with my limited mobility, it is a life line and also a source of almost instant information. I certainly know that I would not be where I am with my art were it not for the 'net and I would have nowhere to turn in times of need. I have always wanted to keep a diary but never managed a pen and paper one. Now I have one. And I have witnesses. THAT is so important and in a way that I think only another who suffered in secret could appreciate.
So to all my witnesses, I truly thank you. You do more for me than you know.
(I just realised I have not disassociated this last few days!)
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
my blog with Bloglovin
The above was taken a week ago - it represents the f...
4 years ago
sending hugs and purrs; wish I could help.....
Hi Colin,
I think I recall you talking about seasonal depression and using a "daylight lamp" during winter.
If you are not going out, and you are not using it already, please get it out, dust it off and get some rays. The last thing you need is a seasonal depression on top of everything else.
Additionally, you didn't mention going for your swim lately. Maybe you want to go beat the water, exchange some of that angry adrenaline for some serotonin (sp?).
Take good care of yourself. You might want somebody else to take care of you (and we would if we could) but all we can do is send good thoughts.
Your strength and determination are showing again in this post. :-)
You are sounding more positive too.
Hold on to these. There is still the feeling that John has to earn your trust again but hopefully that too will come in time.
Sadly there are too many people like John who have a 'head in the sand' attitude to officialdom. And it is never to their advantage.
I knew a chap many years ago at work, he was a Prof. with various 'olygies' and letters after his name, he too shied away from this sort of paperwork. He also almost lost his home and the lady he was engaged to at that time.
The news of this reached the office where I worked he was there at the time, without thinking I just turned to him and said, "D'you know, for such a clever and smart man you really are the biggest idiot I've met so far. Go and talk to someone about this." It was sorted out but like you he went through a very stressful time first.
Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Take care
That's the way! Chin up, eyes to the horizon, you'll get through this trial together.
Well it does sound like what John did was very wrong by keeping all this a secret, but I do have to wonder, was he afraid you'd leave him if you knew?
It sounds already like you may be ready to stay. You wrote we instead of me in your post.
No matter what you decide to do, I commend you for being so adult about this. It appeared to have triggered some awful feelings for you, but you are putting one foot in front of the other and getting through it! You should be proud of yourself for the strength you're displaying.
Best of luck with your reconcilliation. You are very right to be sure you are protected in the future. Relationships are so difficult, sometimes. I'll be thinking of you often.
Colin, holding my breath and crossing every digit I so hope it can be worked out this way and you can both move forward.
Re the car - have you tried Motobility? Not sure of how the scheme works but I would have thought you would more than qualify.
Wasn't sure how to email you directly re car? this may help you, but make sure if you need to fill out the forms get a member of CAB to help you fill in the forms as they will know what words etc to use.
Colin...Good thoughts are coming your way. wish I could do something physical for you...Hope that you know how much your readers love you.
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