I have never before been taken by a politician. They tend to leave me cold and cynical.
Not this man.
There is something about him that makes me hopeful and excited.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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4 years ago
Hi Colin,
Just getting back from vacation in Colorado and catching up on my favorite blogs. I agree with you about Obama. I'm afraid that those who oppose him might plot to do away with him because he may win.
(He has a "Kennedy" aura about him and we know what happened to both John and Bobby.) I hope and pray he will win and no harm will come to him. I don't think the US, or the world for that matter, can take much more of Bush's policies.
He does tend to do that, doesn't he?
I have very mixed thoughts on him. On one hand, he is without question brilliant. And new, and fresh, and "HOPE" really does describe what I feel when I think about him as president. In addition, I have the very good fortune to have a friend who went to law school with him and knew him there---and she has every confidence in the world that he will hold true to his promises.
On the other hand, he is a one-term Senator who has missed the majority of votes while he has held office. And the current president is leaving my country in a terrible mess (and that is being generous to the man!) He will leave the next president a terrible mess on the world stage, as well. And I wonder, does Mr. Obama have the experience to navigate the treacherous waters Mr. Bush will leave behind?
Sometimes "Change" is not the entire right answer. When, in the past, we have elected Presidents who were young and relatively new to politics, it has not always gone well. Abraham Lincoln, for all he is venerated, dictated horrible policies toward our Native Americans, and shepherded this country into a Civil War that perhaps could have been avoided and certainly did not have to be as devastating as it was; and John Kennedy not only did not see the pitfalls of the Bay of Pigs plan, he also took us right up to the brink of nuclear war. In the case of both these presidents, I often wonder if a few more years of political experience might have yielded other results?
In any case, I do believe that, barring some unforeseen circumstance, Mr. Obama will soon become our President. And I, for one, will support him completely and do anything I can as a citizen to help him. Because, as you say, he does inspire hope.
on the other hand, if you recall Ms. Angelou's poem upon the inauguration of Mssr. Clinton, "Good Morning!" I view Mr. O as a dash of fresh water and hope.
I so agree with you - and I'm hoping he will consider Hilary as his running mate! We need to send a message to Washington - and to the world!
OK, I'm getting down off the soapbox, no it didn't break....
I am a Canadian and have grave reservations about Obama.
I have followed the Obama spectacle for some months now and have come to conclude that this man stands for whatever he thinks will get him the most votes. He is an opportunist and a man of little or no substance.
Go back to his speech at the Victory Column and see if Obama actually gave a detailed speech or was it just his usual talk of "this is the moment", "yes we can", and "the time is now". You will have heard the same high school rah! rah! that we have heard in N. America for the last 18 months.
Obama has yet to provide for his voters a detailed plan of what he stands for and what he will do for the U.S. if elected.
Obama is also very inexperienced in foreign affairs. In fact, Obama has a team of over 300 advisors in this department alone. With that many cooks in the kitchen, how will Obama come to a decision? This is a recipe for chaos!
For example, Obama wanted to unilaterally change the NAFTA treaty (North American Free Trade Agreement) with Canada. Of course, our Prime Minister said no way. Next day Obama has a new viewpoint on NAFTA which was completely different than he said the day before.
How do you trust the leader of the world's superpower when the guy changes his position faster than he changes his socks?
And, I hardly think anyone will "do away" with Obama. This type of response by kshotz is not logical or knowledge-based, but instead is an opinion of emotion.
I highly recommend that everyone do some research on Obama before they rush out to vote for him.
He is a one-term Senator who has almost no experience, period. And yes, he has missed almost all the votes in the White House. He has flip-flopped on every issue of importance.
Lastly, Obama is a follower of Marxist doctrine. I fear he is duping voters into believing he is a centrist when he actually will govern from the very far Left. I for one, do not wish to have another Russia, China, or Cuba next door to me!
As for those in love with the Kennedy clan, remember the Bay of Pigs, the perpetual womanizing, and his connection to the Mafia. Kennedy was again full of wonderful speeches, had little substance and certainly no guts when the time called for swift and courageous action.
I would rather have McCain who has years of experience in politics, in life, and can be decisive when necessary. I'll take guts over vocal pablum any day!
After all that, Colin, I would like to say that I enjoy your blog. You really are a talented knitter!
Kellie Marek
Saskatoon, SK
I am an Obama supporter and campaign worker. I haven't met him yet. I did meet Robert Kennedy. He and Jack both had the same charm, wit and hope for this country.
I am glad you got to see him. I think all of Europe likes him and that is very refreshing. Mr Bush alienated most of the world.
To have a man representing our people, a black man, says a lot about this young nation's growing maturity. Jack, Robert and Martin gave their lives to pave the way for this historic event.
It is also very nice to have a man who can speak 'American' English. Mr Bush was a disaster for this entire country.
Let's hope the majority of Americans feel the same as I do.
I have hope now. All we have to do I get out the vote and keep him safe.
Unfortunately all "Leaders" tend to just be the talking head for all those hundreds in the background who have a totally different political agenda.
Although a bit of cynic with politicians, I agree with the Kennedy feeling. He's the first one that's made me hopeful just like JFK and Bobby did.
Give the poor sod a chance!
I feel honesty, hope, courage, dignity and love flowing from this man....and he's a Democrat!
Let's hope that he doesn't have Hillary Clinton as his "running mate" though.
So what if he hasn't that much experience..as least he seems to me to be very much his own man.
Also, most of Europe seems to support him...good luck to him say I!!!!
To those who worry about Obama, I can only ask: How could anyone possibly be worse than Bush?
Oh, Yarnhog! I do agree with you.
As far as inexperience goes, he seems to do well with powerful people. He's not intimidated. He's articulate. He's relaxed and easy.
The President of the United States has a whole cadre of advisers and helpers. The main thing would be to surround himself with people who are as good, or better, than he is.
My only beef is the comment I keep hearing that he would be the "first black president." I'm sorry. He's both black and white - in equal portion. Maybe that's the best mix, who knows?
If you want to have the first BLACK President, maybe you'd like Al Sharpton or Jesse jackson.
Obama is my vote, regardless. Poor Mr. McCain, for all his heroism (sort of), experience and expertise, just has zero charisma and doesn't have the force of spirit to gather the country behind him.
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