Pebs wrote:Dear Colin, in reply to "They worship a being that has caused and will cause more suffering to more people than anyone ever has." No they do not worship a being that has caused suffering. Because God does not create suffering and evil acts. Humans do. Whether they are insane in mind or not, it is them all the same.
I reply: Hi Pebs - I know that! Such a God doesn't exist but for the Fundy Xtians(and Muslims and others) he does. They are the ones who believe that God has a place of eternal torture for those who don't believe as they do. They call it Hell. When you consider the billions of people here now and who were here, by their fundy reckoning, the vast majority will be suffering eternal pain. So yes, they do worship a God that is worse than Hitler, Stalin, etc put together.
Oh and I have time and respect for Buddhism.
You know, I cannot keep repeating all of the posts written before when I write something, so rather than assume you are sure you know what I mean, it might be better to read previous posts. If people did this, they would not come to such erroneous conclusions about what I think.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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4 years ago
Thanks for the reply, I did read your previous posts. However, my main point was to draw your attention to the content of your posts. You have recently said things such as.. "And Ali the Artist clearly shows yet again that she is the bigot she is", "What crap!", "I do see value in bringing such evil to light", "that is rubbish", "which is evil" etc. You have written pages and pages of text where you are obviously angered by other peoples beliefs and write how wrong they are. There is enough room in the world for everyone to choose what they want.
Do you know why you feel bad, angry or upset?. It's not because certain things or beliefs exist.
It is because at some point you choose in your mind to either judge yourself or someone else as bad. At that point you invite in something you wouldn't want - negativity.
It is possible to accept that things you are not lined up with exist in the world and instead of fighting them, to put your attention to the positive things you are lined up with instead.
With peace, Pebs.
Hi Colin,
Have you read any of the "Conversations with God" (Neale Donald Walsch) books? Now that is the kind of God I can get to grips with. Very thought-provoking.
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