Saturday, May 05, 2007

huh 2

I ought to have ignored the posts telling me how wrong I was re the alpaca. Of course the posters themselves did nothing wrong, they can't see anything wrong at all in what they wrote or their choice of words

I think it somewhat unrealistic to tell someone that their experience is wrong / mistaken and at the same time expect that they will just roll over and say 'of course, madam, I was wrong'. It really doesn't occur to them at all that their words did of course imply that either was deluded or lying. But they choose not see that.

I made the mistake, one I have avoided for ages, of getting into a discussion about it. I will remember not to in future cos it makes me look stupid and feel bad.

IF I choose to offer up any information in future to a request for it, I shall have to remember to ignore those that will knock it down, or remember to do it privately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, Colin,

I chose to interact with you and no one else on the list. I like your spirit and ability to stand up for what you know to be true. But like any other extremely large group, there are a number of people who just cannot wait to share their opinion and contradict others.

As I said in another post not too long ago, I explored your blog and really enjoy it. I consider you to be an interesting and talented person, who is making a great contribution to the world just by being himself.

Not to ramble on too long, but my mother expressed a feeling of uselessness to me not too long ago. She is 82 and quite disabled, virtually housebound. I told her I did not know what I would do when she was gone as she is my sounding board. She gives great advice about nearly any situation one can imagine. She is also my haven when I am troubled, and my approving audience when things go well for me.

Sometimes I think we need a few less busy "productive people" and a few more who can simply be there for someone else.

With admiration for your spirit,
