Friday, May 04, 2007

5 weeks

It is five weeks today since I had a fag. 5 whole weeks after 33 years of smoking. No aids, no chews, no patches. Just no fags. Cold turkey. (Now where did that saying come from?)

I can hardly beleive it. I want to explain how I got here but i won't until I am sure I am here, if you know what I mean.


Holly said...

Way to go! One of the hardest things to overcome.


Unknown said...

That's terrific!!! I quit about 15 years ago - and it is very hard to do. Keep going one day at a time!

Once in a while I still get an urge to smoke - but believe that now I'll hack and cough and choke so I don't.

Jenn said...

Great job so far!! Keep up the wonderful hard work. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations...I have never smoked but know how hard it is to break a habit....My gf started knitting to help her quit and got me back to my needles....Way to go...Good luck for the future

robin sher said...

Brilliant - enjoy the clean air - it was hard to quit, and in some ways gradual - but now that I can take deep breaths and smell and taste - well, I think you are doing something really wonderful for yourself, and worth the huge effort - big pats on the back, and kiss on the forehead!!