Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dog Days

John who will be 60 on the 8th April. I caught him unaware as he hates having his picture taken. We had just got back from walking the dogs.
Shameless - Micah's daughter at 17 weeks.
Nechung - mother of Micah and Moon, 9years and 3 mths.
Luna showing her 6.5 weeks pregnant tummy. Micah is the father of forthcoming littter.
Moon smiling for the camera. Moon might be pregnant as a the result of her Northern Honeymoon.


Anonymous said...

I love Shameless, I don't normally like little dogs, but she is just gorgeous. Of course they are all wonderful, but there is something about her thats....

Anonymous said...

And just where is the ever beautiful Miss Finity??? Who if you ever said you would sell her I would be on a plane from Southern California soooo fast it would make your head spin! She is just spectacular! All your dogs are really, but she has just stolen my heart.
