Sunday, May 23, 2010


I’ve written here before how I think I ma lucky to not have been infected with Patriotism. Firstly because I lived in so many different countries growing up and secondly for most of my adult life have not been considered equal to my fellows by the government of the UK. Pretty hard to feel allegiance or pride in one’s country in those circumstances.

I thought something else about this tonight. I know someone who is so Patriotic they do a disservice to themselves and their intelligence. Their country cannot be criticised by anyone and if you are a citizen and you do, then you are wicked or a Democrat! Not only must you consider your country the best, you must only think one way politically. Anything else is Anti American. (and a sure sing of stupidity or that you are a RED!)This is not a dumb arse redneck but an upper middle class professional! We have them here too.

The danger in this is that if you refuse to see the problems you won’t try to fix them. What can be more unpatriotic than allowing your country to fail it’s citizen by refusing to see it’s shortcomings? What can be more unpatriotic than allowing your fellow citizens suffer due to lack of health care? Or thru poverty caused by the financial system which you refuse to see anything wrong with?

I can see why Patriotism is forced upon children from an early age, why the schools are  forcing it upon children. What that Jesuit said is true-give the child till he is seven and I will give you the man. In other words, you can teach children ANYTHING when young and also teach them they are bad to question it and if you do you get what want-adults who view the world the wauy you want them to instead of healthy adults who can think for themselves.

There is nothing wrong with loving your country or feeling pride in it. There is everything wrong with that if it prevents you seeing your country.


HunterXan said...

Well said, Colin, and thank you.

A favorite expression amongst those on the far right in this country is, "My country, right or wrong!" The only time they don't find it unpatriotic and Un-American to criticize our politicians and the country is when THEY'RE in charge. Right now the country is being run by Socialists or worse (in their minds) so of course it's only patriotic to speak out against this outrage.

I put the far-right wingnuts right up there with the Xtian fundies.

Nan said...

I love your last sentence.

Anonymous said...

I applaud your comments.

Kristina Plaas said...

There is merit in patriotism, but not in blindness. Ignorance is not bliss, nor is it blissful to empower leaders of nations who have narrow minds and selfish intent. Wisdom suggests that instilling a love of country, regardless of which country you have allegiance to, demands that we open the eyes of all citizens to our strengths and weaknesses and encourage each person to engage in activities which will enhance those strengths and strive to overcome our weaknesses. To do so is to truly be a patriot.

Margie said...

Absolutely, Colin!

I might add, that a TRUE "patriot" not only questions the government, but actively tries to move it in the direction of being truly a government for ALL the people, promoting justice with the understanding that equality does not mean sameness.