I think I have figured out what I have been doing wrong with my dyeing. The yarns, when I wash them in detergent, shed loads of colour. I thought maybe I hadn't used a strong enough amount of vinegar so I re cooked some in plenty of vinegar and the colour still ran out.
I then just washed and washed and could see that the run off became and less.
I went to eat dinner and then knitted some and it came to my mind that perhaps I was using too much dye. 4g per 100gm was the recommended. I used that an more for the several different colours I was using. I did so because when I used weaker solutions, it didn't seem to cover the yarn.
I dyed a hank in three colours. I used only 1 gram of dye per lot of water. I used my usual method to paint. It didn't look right at all but I went ahead and nuked it. By the time the process was complete, the colours were deep and vibrant! The only colour that has run, and only some, not loads, was black and that was the one I used more dye in.
I have realised that it is 1. the vinegar and 2. the heat which produces the colour and therefore I ought to ignore the yarn until AFTER those two things are done.
Part of the black is more grey looking. I think this is the area I did not make sure the dye went through.
I am ratehr p'd off with Parcelforce. I paid a hefty next day delivery charge only for them not to deliver today 'because of the snow'. The local small-time delivery service delivered my other parcel, yarn, today! I have yarn and no dyes!
This dyeing lark is fun to day the least and whilst it has been frustrating, at least I have learned for myself what works and what doesn't. Typical of me to go OTT with dyes. When I cook for people I cook enough for 6 when there are only two. Strange I am the opposite with my pain killers! ( I stopped taking the opiate ones and apart from increased pain I now feel okay about them because I didn't have any ill effects form not taking them so am not hooked.)
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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4 years ago
When I presoak (wash) yarn before dyeing, I use only a couple of drops - literally - in the water. Are you letting the yarn cool completely in the dye bath before rinsing? All the water should be clear before you take it out. This can take even overnight.
Your results are gorgeous.
.. are you aware that you might infect other people with wanting to dying their own yarn?? I just ordered CoolAid and its all your fault!!! The only problem I have now is time.. so maybe Colin you have also a good suggestion for getting more hours into my day...??.. I love to read your blog ... have a great weekend and I am looking forward to see your new "paintings".. ciao ciao from snowing Switzerland.. Christa
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