The Land Of The Free?
Hopefully, those who do believe in equal rights and treatment and opportunity under the law will hold sway.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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5 years ago
I am a California native, a lawyer, and the straight sister of a gay brother and a lesbian sister. I logged onto yesterday to follow the conversation in the comments section, and I was astounded and appalled at the unending stream of hatred from the religious right. Almost as astounded as I was by their virtual illiteracy and total ignorance about the U.S. Constitution and civil rights generally. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but how in the world can allowing people who love each other to legally marry damage the institution of marriage or affect in any way the rights of any other person? My sister and I have both been in stable, loving relationships for more than ten years, both own our homes, pay taxes, have children...and yet I am legally married and she--through no fault of her own--is not.
I applaud the decision of the California court. It will no doubt suffer endless attacks, but in the end, sanity and reason will prevail and gay couples will finally share the same basic civil rights as straight couples. It's simple evolution.
I think it's weird too. I'm American and I don't even understand what exactly the opponents have a problem with? I mean it's not as if THEY will have to marry the same sex just because it's allowed. Hubby and I were trying to figure out what the big deal is about people wanting to marry whomever they want. We dunno!
Sadly, many seem to believe "Land of the Free" means "So long as you look like me, act like me, and believe like me." The arguments over the role religion should play in our government are flat out frightening.
I'm lucky enough to live in a very liberal city. Each of my children have had at least one classmate with two same-sex parents. Even the "conservative" parents at the school agree that laws prohibiting same sex marriage are ludicrous. Alas, it has proven a wonderful distraction for the party currently in power. If they can keep their base stirred up and afraid over stupid, imaginary issues like gay marriage, their base won't look too closely at the crimes being perpetrated by their elected officials.
A Civilised Nation? I fear we are a very long way from being able to lay true claim to that title.
I did a 15 page report on this subject in one of my college courses. I have come appreciate the marital rights same-sex couples are asking for.
I wish "merlin" had the same courage as California - today a decision also came down that refused to recognize the right of a de facto parent - i.e. the non child-bearing partner in a same-sex relationship.
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