I slept really well last night-10:45 till 7am. I will go to the pool shortly.
Have done the front and back and collar of a cashmere commission. Just the sleeves and sewing to do now.
We received a letter from EGG yesterday cancelling our credit cards. No explanation that was in simple English. I called to find out more and was flatly refused any more information. They feel they do not have to explain. We have been loyal and excellent customers for almost 10 years and they have suddenly decided we are not a good risk!!!!! We have never defaulted on anything,never been late, and always pay off more than is due. And they turn around and treat us like this?
We will pay off now as soon as feasible, even though we don't have to, as I don't see why they ought to make but the minimum out of us since they think we are such a bad risk. Gees, how much money does one have to earn nowadays to be a good risk? John is in the top 5% earners! (yes that is surprising-I had no idea it took so little to be in the top 5%-no it is nowhere near the figure you would think!)
I still have 3 puppies for sale and they are 16 weeks old today. This has not happened before. I have had plenty of enquiries but all from people I would not sell a puppy to. There seem to have been a lot of idiots about.
The new pool is such a pleasure to go to. The staff are amazing. Maybe they are just normal and appear amazing because the other pool's staff are so awful. Interestingly, this pool the staff are mainly men, though the two women are really nice too. The other pool is staffed mainly by obese women of various ages. The obesity being a symptom of their unhappiness and also their attitude and bullying. However, there is still no excuse for their outrageous behaviour.
I gave it my best shot at the other pool. I really felt that by going to the new pool, I would be letting the bullies win. I am much less stressed so I guess I won. The people at the other pool will get sorted somehow with out me.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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5 years ago
I heard about Egg this morning on the radio. The report said that they were closing the accounts on those people over their limit or those who didn't pay at least their minimum every month. Its all due to where Citibank took over last year although weird why you've received a letter given what you've said. Perhaps they are doing it for those who aren't spending enough as well?
Hi Colin
I also saw a report by a money expert and they said that EGG were getting rid of people who were not profitable. They like customers who only pay the minimum each month because they make most money/interest out of them
In other words they are striking off people like you who pay well.
We are waiting to see if Citibank close our account (they took over EGG) as we do the same as you and pay off more if not all of our bill as soon as possible.
Well we will take our custom elsewhere. In fact we are thinking do we need a credit card. Just save up and get what we want instead.
I now we will have to wait a bit but why give them more money
Pam x
Hi Colin,
Nothing credit card companies do surprises me. In the US, they can raise your interest rates if you make a late payment TO SOMEONE ELSE! What is the USPS loses a bill somewhere? It does happen. Whatever will you do?
I wonder why the pups haven't sold. They are so cute. Maybe too many people are having economic problems.
At least the pool is working out. I suppose, be happy for small kindnesses.
Good luck to you and John, on all fronts.
There was a feature on Moneybox yesterday (I don't normally listen to it, but I was up to my elbows in dye at the time and couldn't switch it off); you should be able to find it on the Listen Again feature (or they do a podcast, shudder...) There seem to be a lot of very annoyed prompt-paying good customers in the same boat, according to that.
Hi I heard this eggstrodinary report too....you are a high risk, cos you don't make them too much of a profit..lol.
Oh I do so wish I could have one of your puppies, but with my two westies, who love pups I don't think it would be fair to a new baby, he/she wouldn't be able to grow naturally, as both Chaz and Lucy would be forever nuturing it and keeping it as a baby. They are dotty about pups too..mind you if you have any around when my two aged 11 and 12 go to Rainbow Bridge I could well be tempted..lol Cher x
Egg have sent out letters to 10,000customers Colin, so you are not alone.I reckon this is the first sign of trouble for them and they are trying to find a way out?
I would love a puppy. I had a puppy in Iraq which I reared from 6 weeks old. She was such a lovely intelligent dog. Her name was Judy and her best friend was Zagour a baby rabbit I also reared. They used to chase each other up and down the house, then they would lie in front of the fire and sleep cuddled together.I also had three cats who used to tease Judy by jumping out on her as she passed by. When I left Iraq I placed her with a friend who looked after her until she also had to leave Iraq.I often think of Judy and wonder where she is now.
The idiots at the old pool probably don't even realize you've left for good and that they're the reason. They are too wrapped up in themselves and will find a new victim very quickly. It's freeing to realize that the people we tend to obsess over don't think of us nearly the same amount....so to let go of any attachment DOES mean that you win!! Fascinating insight about the staff being obese and their attitudes compared to the new pool!
And what is EGG?
Obesity is a symptom of unhappiness? I suppose it could be in some cases. You do know that there are other reasons for being obese? Before you lump all of us fat women in one category, I thought I'd chime in and defend myself, at least. I don't mean to upset you or belittle your feelings Colin, but your comments really made me feel crappy. I'm not over-weight by choice but because of medical reasons that happen to be beyond my control (my lymph and nervous systems were severely damaged in an auto accident and I also have fibromyalgia and digestive issues). I'm also not a bully or an unpleasant person either; if fact, I'm rather sensitive and consider other's feelings above and beyond my own in most cases. I'd never treat anyone poorly because of the way they look or the physical difficulty they're having (after all, I'm fat and disabled *smiles*). I live by the golden rule of treating others the way I want to be treated. I just wanted to let you know how I felt...
Steph from Ohio
I have to agree with the last commenter about lumping all fat women together in one unhappy heap. You had a bad experience with some fat women, but believe me, the fat world is incredibly diverse. I was really taken aback by your stereotype, after having read your recent posts with interest.
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