This is Milli, 8 weeks old. She is the daughter of Mouse who I bred. We miss keeping Dax so much we thought we would try again. We just hope this one does not have the coat eating gene. If she does she will have to go back. It is dangerous thing to do. Our previous girl ate off Micah's coat and almost died form a blockage. Fortunately she puked most of it back up and passed the rest out the other end. Not all Dax do but it is a thing they are known for. They do such a good job it looks just like a razor has been used on the dog's coat.
Whitney, whom you have met before, now 13 weeks.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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4 years ago
Love your new baby girl. She looks just like my Katy. I love my Dax's and would miss them terribly if they were gone. I hope that she works out well for you.
Colin, I have never heard of such a thing, but gosh, they are CUTE! Hope all turns out well, and you become one happy family. The latest pic of you is VERY nice!
As you know, I'm not a dog person, but they are both so very cute... I'll stick to the cat (who went berserk while I was out today and has decorated all the chair- and table-legs with yarn and shredded tissue paper and then disappeared - most unusual!)
Well, maybe things are different over there, but here in USA there are so many dogs that need homes, the thrust is to NOT BREED.
The fact that people will prefer buy so-called “purebred” keeps what is known as backyard breeders, breeding dogs with undesirable dispositions, tendencies and overall BAD genetics.
I can only hope you will promote adoption and NEUTERING ASAP of animals who would have otherwise been sentenced to early death, rather than continue to breed.
Many purebred dogs with papers are relinquished at 2 years of age from owners unfamiliar with good training resources. Training of the humans! In correct animal care and nurturing.
No offence meant.
I think I may be in love with young Whitney. Yup. I am.
And, in response to 'anonymous' above, many of us in the US prefer our purebred dogs. We are careful to select responsible breeders who show the same love and concern for their dogs that we do as owners/dog-moms. Some of us have had more than enough bad experiences with mixed breed "rescue" animals to know that a purebred animal from a responsible breeder is a safer bet than the cute little fur-ball at the shelter with no known background or history.
Oh, my. So adorable! We just lost our 11 year old Golden Retriever and my husband really wants another. Must...resist...puppies...
I was going to comment on your puppies when I read the comment from anonymous. Well! It's always the stupid people who don't post their names with their ignorant posts! No offense meant, my eye! I guess the facts about genetic clearances and health testing, gaining championships on show animals before breeding, and screening prospective homes mean very little to people like that. The reason that there are too many animals without homes is the fault of people who don't assume the responsibilities for their pets and either allow them to breed willy-nilly or see the puppies as quick cash. Responsible breeders certainly aren't doing it for the money!
Anyway, the puppies are adorable! That is a very pretty head on that little Dachsie girl!
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