I was sent this link ( Yarn Harlot ) to show me someone who knits really fast.
Until I saw this video, I had thought I was a slow knitter. It seems I am a really fast knitter! Cos I knit faster than the YH appears to on this video. You could knock me over with a feather. I seriously had no idea I knit fast.
Also, this video shows how I knit. Almost. I do not have my middle finger up in the air like the YH does. I have the yarn over the tip of my index finger. However, my movements are the same. I am just not giving the finger all the time ;-)
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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The above was taken a week ago - it represents the f...
4 years ago
I quite agree with you Colin - even I, who don't consider myself a fast knitter, is doing it faster than the lady on the video....
I knit the continental way, with the yarn over my left index finger.
I have a friend whos is renowned in Denmark for speed knitting - when she is knitting, the needles are just a blur - literally. Unfortunately she is very ill, but it would be fun to find out one day how fast she can do say 200 sts.
Shall we make a contest, just for fun?
Kathe in Denmark
I've just seen this video, and I too was amazed. I hold the yarn and needles almost exactly as she does, and can knit just as fast, though I usually don't. I like to actually see the stitches form and move from one needle to another. But I certainly can knit that fast when I want to, and I had always thought I was a relatively slow knitter. What a surprise.
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