Friday, April 09, 2010


Okay I admit it, people still manage to shock me even though I know all too well how wicked they can be.

I had a spiteful email from someone who was offended by reading my blog. Was she offended by the evil of abuse? By the KKK? Was she offended by the stories of people damaging others? Of course not! She was offended by the joke.

THAT in itself tells one all one needs to know about her.

However, the next bit of her email really had me reaching for the razor blades and notepad to write a suitable suicide note:


How will I live with this? My future seems so dark, I can see no light. Help me!Please!


Lol said...

Hurrah, more wool for us!!

Iris said...

Oh, drat! Sale lost. Oh, .... wait a minute .... five other people bid on that yarn. Hah!

My brother in law once refused to eat at a restaurant run by someone he thought wasn't a Christian. I wonder if he vets eveyone he does business with. Stupid antics, those. And futile.

P.S. - the guy has opened three more restaurants.

FuguesStateKnits said...

Oh. My. God. NO. Say it isn't so!!! We are dooooooooomed!!!!!

Fred said...

Hmmm in which case I suggest you close up your yarn busines, in fact give up knitting altogether as it's really not going to get you anywhere ever again!

LizzieK8 said...

Oh good! She probably wouldn't know how to use it properly anyway!


AR said...

Oh Boo flippin' Hoo ;-)
I doubt she would have appreciated such wonderful yarn anyway.

As Lol said....more for us.

Yarnhog said...

Yup. I figured that would tick off some people. Sigh.