I was up early and out early to attend an Eating Disorder convention. I didn't manage to stay the whole day but only left 2 hours early. It was a good day. An excellent reminder of how life used to be and it could still be(if I were not dead) had I not put in the work I needed to do. I still believe I'd rather have the problems I have now, 24/7 pain and all, than go back to an active eating disorder.
People amaze me. Some of them anyway. They really do not seem to look at themselves at all. As an example, I have now had two emails from a person. Nothing odd about that. Both emails were to criticise either my work or expertise as a knitter. Both emails contained a clause about email being a difficult medium in which to be clear and not to offend. In the first, the writer said I ought to know better if I am such an expert on knitting(I have never claimed to be) and ought to know that yarn colourways are not always what the manufacturer says it will be and the second was to criticise the lack of symmetry, in their eyes, in one of my pieces of work. These are the only two emails I have ever had from this person. Nothing positive ever came my way from this person. Personally I don't give a shit what she thinks. What irks me is the lack of honesty and self knowledge they display rather than their opinion. Their need to lash out, their apparent ease with negativity.
Rather like the anonymous sniper I spoke of in the previous post below who supposedly is upfront by leaving an email address-except the email address is anonymous and still no name to their comment. Just how upfront, honest and brave is that?
Today, the people I heard speak know all about self honesty, courage, and suffering. They know about overcoming against all odds. They know about surviving. These are the sort of people I admire. These are the sort of people who have real guts, real courage and who are really worth my time and effort to know and learn from. I know when they speak, they speak from their knowledge and wisdom and whilst what they say might not work for me, it is honest.
Really the types of people I speak of above, the sniper and the criticiser, cannot hold a candle to these people I heard today. Their ages ranged from 20 to 64, both sexes, different shapes and sizes, all at different points along the path to peace. ALL without a doubt had tremendous courage in the face of real life threatening pain. ALL willing to make a change, to look inward. These people make me proud. They produce in me a good feeling about me and about them instead of the feeling of shame I get about those snipers etc, shame for them, not for me.
Yet again, along with the wise and supportive comments I have read here, today, meeting these people and hearing them, reinforces the reasons I like people and have faith in them. The world is not as full of arseholes as it can appear to be!
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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The above was taken a week ago - it represents the f...
4 years ago
I'm so sorry that someone is attacking your work, I personally think it is beautiful.
It's great that you at least were able to attend the ED convention, even if you could not stay the entire time. And that you can look back and see your progress..
The knititng is great, you may not call yourself an expert but I don't see the snitty gal posting links to her work....don't let the jerks get you down, know I have to deal with them too working in a meat packing plant..
Sticks and Stones....empty vessels ... rattle the most. Oh to see inside their cupboards full of skeletons.. I can't stand this ''better than thou'' attitude either, ruddy twits...pumped up egotists that just never say anything positive about anyone, what a better life you have than them in their seemingly shallow lives.. I dont hold with this attitude of theirs as you well know, and I'm ashamed that the human race of which I am a part of has such weeds in it that they can't be honest and up front at least to have the decency to sign their names....Whoever you are out there, take the bloody plank out of your own eye, before you worry about a teeny speck in Knitmans or others...stupid idiots...ah sod 'em, don't waste your time with them.. We appreciate you and your work....higz Cher
I'm so happy to see you value the positive work you witnessed at the ED Convention, rather than those that have nothing better to do that pick at you and your knitting.
Really, people, get a life!
I'm so sorry that people have to be mean and hide behind a email to do it!! Even though you've never said it ( your right), you are a excellant knitter. I'm only on my second sock and I love your work. I look at it carefully as close as I can get it looking at the stitches. Beautiful. I know mine will get better with time. And I too have had an eating disorder. I've now lost 45-1/2 lbs. and have discovered for the first time in my years of battling weight why I do what I've done. I truly believe that will help me keep it off this time. I have a new outlook on it now. And I have such a positive feeling. Keep up the good work!!!!! And don't let a couple of mean / hurtful/ spiteful people get you down. I don't know why people have to lash out at other and try to bring them down. I apologize for them.
I have seen your work on many occasion Colin. I consider it to be a pleasure to the eye. If I could produce such work one day then I would have you to thank for the inspiration.
The world is made up of all sorts which makes each and every one of us unique.
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