I received a very kind email this morning reminding me that I have not posted on my blog recently. I think I had assumed that few comments meant few readers.
Life is still not settled. We have the upstairs to finish. The bedrooms need the decor done and then the carpet laid. The bathroom still needs it's floor laid.
Our desks-Regency- have been made and are ready for delivery. I am going to have to call them because the day, Tuesday, is not convenient as John will not be here and I won't be able to manage them.
We have decided upon a Tempur electric bed. I cannot deal with the bed building each night to get comfortable and it is sometimes very difficult to get out of bed. This will solve all those issues.
I have dogs shows coming up but do not feel inclined to go at all. My stomach lurches whenever I think of it. Either this is because I am not ready for them yet or because I have got out of practice and the stomach lurch is what I normally feel when having to deal with groups of people. I think it may be the latter which means I will have to force myself to get going.
Pain and dealing with it, which meds to use etc is it's usual challenge. I just had a week's course of anti-inflammatories which really did the trick but that is finished at the reason for them seems to be returning. I cannot keep taking them as NSAID's can have serious side effects. Bummer, as the Americans would say.
The picture above is of Deita, Tantra's Plenty O'Toole isa Kutani. She is Whitney's daughter and is owned by my friend Wendy Cain, who bred her sire. Currently she is the top winnign LA this year. She has 3 rcc's and 2CC with Best of Breed. Juts 18mths old.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
my blog with Bloglovin
The above was taken a week ago - it represents the f...
5 years ago