We are more or less packed for the first stretch of our trip home in the morning. We had to buy another suitcase. We (I) will drive the 380 to Coquelles. Will stay there the night and eat at Flunch which we enjoy. Fast food but cooked in. Front of you and your choice of about a dozen veggies etc in a buffet like setting. Cheap too. It seems it is beyond e capabilities of any Brit to do this. We ate in a department store today. I had freshly cooked pork steaks, my choice of hot fresh well cooked and delicious veggies. About 9.50 pounds and that was with 500ml of diet coke. You could also have a large slice of a dozen or so cakes for 2 pounds, good Italian icream too for about the same cost. I just do not understand why we Brits cannot do this. Why is our food in such places crap? I think 1. We don't know how it could be and 2. We are alls told not to complain and so we don't. As a nation it seems we just put up with crap food at exorbitant prices because we think that is all there is. It will continue to be all there is until WE stop buying the crap and they get their act together. John and I will only buy coffee. Never food. We tale our own if on a long trip ind the UK. Oh, dear, there I go again! You can gather I get quite riled by this state of affairs. Here it is a delight. So much choice, well cooked and served food and the people serving are not looked down upon because they are doing good needed work and are thus respected. Brits tend to think it is lowly thing to do, to serve others. I think that is part of the problem of our state of crap food.
I must go to bed and quit this rant! I am excited to be going home to my dogs and our house. This has been a wonderful trip for us both. The hotel has been excellent. We found a bottle of champagne and a congratulations messages our room when we arrived. The staff could not be more helpful or polite or friendly. Today we're told by the whole concierge staff that we were the coolest dressers they have ever seen in their hotel. That was very nice to say wasn't it? A woman also stopped us and told us that she was pleased to see two such well dressed gentlemen. I think this sort of compliment is not only lovely to receive but it amazes me because I think it takes courage to say sucht hings to total strangers.
Best of all though is the staus of our relationship now. Legally bound. recognised. Security. Next of kin rights. No one can legally keep us apart. We have the same rights as mixed sex couples. Plus saying he is my husband is really IT for me. ou cannot misunderstand what that means. partner is cold. Boyfriend is silly at our age. I've been saying it a lot. My husband will pay for this, or no, he is my husband we don't need separate food bills. Or, thank you but I am with my husband and he will help me try on clothes. I can't really put into words how this makes me feel. Even after 31 years our marriage is exciting and ever growing. John is so relaxed now that he has retired and only does 3 days 'consulting'. Plus the house being as we want it, though the bedrooms are still to be done. No debt. NONE. Including no mortgage. We have both worked very hard for all of this and we are lucky that we are enjoying the fruits of our hard work. Hard work is not just one's job!
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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The above was taken a week ago - it represents the f...
4 years ago
Thrilled to pieces for you both♥
Happy days!!!What a lovely post!
It is so nice to hear how happy you and John are together, even more so as a legally married couple. The "fast" food in the U.S., with a few notable exceptions, is as bad as the U.K. If you are short of time, forget finding veggies that aren't fried. For crying out loud, they're frying chocolate and perfectly good veggies and marshmallows and, well, anything that won't fall apart in hot grease.
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