This sock will be undone. The sts are too loose- ie the yarn too thin for the needle size. The yarn itself is lovely 50% NZ Wool 50% NZ Mohair. I used 4mm needles and ideally I think it should be 3.25mm or 3.5mm. I'd have to use more sts. I would also change the garter stitch heal I think. Oh and this was knit top down which i found easy and once I got to the foot part, just put it on my foot every now and then until I was sure it would fit. It fits perfectly.
I must say when I first realised that many people knit socks, I couldn't see the point. I thought well you buy 3 pairs for for a couple of quid and they are always hidden so why bother? However, much to my surprise this sock feels lovely on my foot, where as I thought it would itch. I can now see myself knitting more and more to the point wearing them indoors, no shoes. I also think maybe people will be getting these as prezzies!
Alice has not had a pup yet but she is in the first stage and will move into the second stage, the pushing, soemtime tonight. I was up all night last night and will be again tonight. There is no knowing the exact time they will start to push and this first part, the scratching up the nest, the restlessness, not eating and all can last 48 or more hours. So once this phase starts, one just has to stay put and watch them. So pleased I knit!
Welcome to the dark side laddy now we just have to teach you how to do two socks on one circ like I do.
Colin, I think you'll find sock knitting rewarding on many levels.
It is such a portable project that one can always have on hand for
waiting rooms or other pointless sitting one is required to do. Sock
knitting is fairly mindless, so knitting while watching TV feels less
like wasting time. And lastly, and most importantly, sock knitting
results in lovely, comfy socks that make your feet very, very happy.
Congratulations on your first sock!
Ho Colin,
I am afraid you will get addicted but there are worse things than
getting addicted to knitting socks?
Does that book tell you about the slipstitch heel? Will make it very
Instead of the garter stitch you do the first row (right side facing
you): *slip 1, knit 1*, repeat * to * to the end
Row 2: slip 1, purl to the end.
This way you will always have a slipstitch on the edge which makes
it very easy to pick up stitches.And your heelflap is just a tad
thicker and wears longer.
Above is if you have an even number of stitches for the heelflap.
Just in case you are working on an odd number you do the first row
the same but end with a slip stitch. The second row will be all purl
(you still will have s lipstitch on each end).
Have fun with your socks,
Congrats, Colin! Good looking sock. I love the color in that wool.
congrats, Colin! Once you start knitting your own socks you will never turn back. Yummy color. I know we can count on fur-baby pics, too.
DJ in SW MI in USA
Well done you :-) I made my first pair, gave them away - still didn't "get" it. Made another to see what the fuss was really all about and they are sooooo good to wear that I was hooked. Brian wants nothing other than handmade socks so between us I always have some on the go. So good to pick up as and when.
Sal x
--- Love the sock Colin. Perhaps you can tell in plain english how to
use the 2 circs, I can not get the hang of them but maybe I'm slow on
the uptake, I too end up with all the stitches on 1 needles, Any tips
greatly appreciated........Sock looks great, I do like the heel.
Take care Oh and how's the pups?
Congratulations Colin! I think hand knitted socks are
the most comfortable things to have on your feet. The
other half disagrees, but each to his own.
Hope you're not too bleary-eyed!
Warning Colin - socks are addictive but the good news is that they can be carried around with you as you go other places - no more boredom in doctors' waiting rooms mate
Yours from "Downunder"
Well done Colin. You won't be able to stop now, socks are very addictive. One tip I've found to pass on. If you are using a conventional four needle pattern, with circulars, is to mark what would be the division of the four needles with stitch markers. I find this way I can use any pattern.
Hope the pups arrive soon, and you don't have another sleepless night.
Congrats Colin! Well done, you have now joined the knitted sock society,it is quite an overwelming feeling once you have done you first, I want to try one out on the machine next, if it works out I will then be knitting a sock family, might even do one with a Black dicky Bow and the other with a veil and have my very own sock wedding ( the only thing is it will not be consumated)ha ha.
Thanks a lot for the advice on the colour mixing, when I looked thru my books I found one by John Allen and it had the colour wheeels in there.(got so much stuff, I don't know whats there).
Take care and luv to the puppies
Clever clogs ;-)
I lived in Norway for donkey's years so started knitting socks out of necessity - the kids needed to keep their feet warm when they were playing out in the snow at minus stupid degrees. I've been hooked ever since. I stopped for a while after we moved back here because I didn't think we'd need them, but started again last year when, like you, I saw how many others were knitting them. Now I'm hooked again. So many pretty yarns and so many pretty patterns = so many pretty socks. And because I freeze easily, they're just the ticket for me.
~Sharon J xx
Ha. Another convert. My hubby too says why knit socks when you can buy them 10 prs for a couple of bucks, but ... now you get it. They're a true luxury...of both money and time. And, yes Colin, a lovely and loving gift. Knit on.
Wow knitting socks. I have knit for years. Sweaters and stuff but never socks. You have now given me inspiration to try them out. Thanks
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