Hi all,
All is well here. Just very very busy. I am longing for time to myself. The office and the conservatory are finished decoration wise. Furniture arriving tomorrow and Monady.
I am so exhausted that yesterday I slept brought to four pm and when I awoke the men had laide the stair and landing carpet, right out side my bedroom and I did not stir!!!
Thrilling news for me. Whitney's daughter, Tantra's Plenty O'Toole Isa Kutani won her first CC and BOB. This is a first for me as a breeder. I could not be more pleased. I have not been able to get to get shows so this is a double pleasure. Deita as she is called mis Owen and loved by Wendy Cain of Kutani. Wendy owns the father of my litter. I own Pussy who has only been shown a could of times but has a first and a Best Puppy.
I must go to bed. his work has been three months now and I am just exhausted and longing for time on my own with my music.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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The above was taken a week ago - it represents the f...
5 years ago