- I love coffee. Real coffee not instant.
- I love caramel flavour.
- I dislike artichoke, chicory.
- I don’t like haggis
- I have a high tolerance for pain which is both good and bad
- I detest opera. I would rather listen to cats on heat.
- Until recently I only ever liked female singers.
- I would have liked to have been a singer or a comedian
- I wanted to be a vet
- I have lived in five different countries
- I have visited every continent except South America
- I lived in 34 different homes before I was 40
- I lived in 33 different homes by my mid-20s
- I am half Latin
- I am wary of my own sex
- I am hypervigilant-this is good and bad
- If I had one wish it would be that everybody would be at peace with themselves.
- I love chicken
- I am almost always hungry
- I am shy
- I am good at acting as if I am not
- I love to travel
- I get homesick and long for the safety of home
- I am anti-religion
- I am not an atheist
- I am not a theist
- I am frightened of people in uniform especially men
- Film and song can make me cry
- I cannot watch graphic violence
- I love the TV series Shameless
- I watch Neighbours every day
- I often feel very homesick for Australia
- Living in Australia was the worst time of my life
- I don’t understand 32!
- I have spent almost 2 years of my life in mental hospitals
- I witnessed the violent death of my best friend when I was seven
- I have no recollection of it at all
- I first tried to commit suicide when I was seven
- I love junior school until I started a new term and my teacher was a man. I hated school from that day on.
- My nickname in high school was Shit
- The most exciting place I lived was Singapore. I vividly remember the sights and sounds and smells.
- Singapore was the place that my father first almost killed me
- Singapore is my first memory of sexual abuse-I was attacked by a stranger.
- I love to create and would consider not being able to simply dreadful
- Sometimes I feel like staying in bed forever
- I love to dress up
- I love colour
- I love to shop even if I do not buy
- I love attention
- I often wish I were invisible
- I love Pepsi Max
- I love jelly (jello)
- I love peanut butter and blackberry jam sandwiches
- I am allergic to grains and pulses
- I adore ice cream and can eat it by the litre
- I like rare steak so that the middle is uncooked
- The smell of alcohol makes me gag
- I hate rap music
- I want to travel to the farthest reaches of the known universe
- Being dead does not frighten me. Dying does.
First Quarter Review:) Warning a LONG post!
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The above was taken a week ago - it represents the f...
5 years ago
1 comment:
Ditto here on that last one.
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